23 May, 2006

Nothing much going on

It's Tuesday. It's threatening to rain. I have a long walk at lunchtime today and I wore suede pants so I am hoping it isn't pouring when I have to do my errands. What are the chances? Three more days of work though! Woohoo! I've decided to take Friday off as well, if I feel that this particular project I'm working on is in good enough shape. And I'm almost positive it will be, since I'm the one to decide. If I take Friday off I can have a massage and have a whole day to get my house all cleaned up (I don't like to come home to a dirty house) and also I'll have lots of time to choose what I want to take with me, rather than having to do it in a rush Friday night. I know I can get a massage on the boat, but I now have four gift certificates for massage so I might as well use them. Why, you ask yourself, is she hoarding massages? Well it's not on purpose. This particular therapist doesn't work on Saturdays and unless I want to go to West Seattle during rush hour (which I emphatically do NOT), then I have to do it on a work day. Often times, working at the U, we get odd ball holidays so I don't have to take time from work to do it. This is not one of those times. It will still leave me with two vacation days in June, should Mr. McK actually be able to spend more than 24 hours. [what are the chances?]

I worked a little bit on my ribbon x-back top. It looks MUCH better this time around. Size wise, looking like it should fit and not hang on me, and I've been sewing the ends of the ribbon together rather than trying to weave them in later, and it's much tidier. Like when I made the Big Blue Sweater for the aforementioned Mr. McK -- I grafted all of the ends together since it was 100% wool yarn and it made for a lovely, tidy garment. If I work on it tonight I should be able to get the main body part done and maybe even start on the armholes and fronts. It does move right along, being done on size 11s. I think I am being a bit overly optimistic though about having it done for my trip and I don't think I want to take it along with me -- too big a project. I am thinking I'll finish up my toe-up sock, I'm on the ribbing, and get the second one going and then I can work on that when I need a knitting fix. A small, portable project. And not a heap of wool sitting in your lap.

1 comment:

Sherrill said...

Ah...a massage. How lovely. I just go from Kiddo #1, to #2, to #3, then start all over again. :)

Another package is blazing it's trail over to you. Enjoy your vacation!