03 October, 2006

A first!

I signed up for my very first 5K race today! Mr. G is coming up for a visit and suggested we do a run and as luck would have it, there's one on October 22 called the Dawg Dash! I am just so excited! I just hope I'm not dead last or get a stitch or something stupid. I don't care if I'm bringing up the rear, but I just don't want to be last. I'm going to train now for the next few weeks and be very vigilant about keeping up with my runs. I've been slacking off with all this hoo-haw with Dad. Now no more excuses!! Public humiliation is a HUGE motivator for me.

Today at lunchtime I walked up to the PO and sent off the Big Blue Sweater ... finally!! There was a little issue getting an address. Problem solved. Sweater on its way. I looked at it closely last night as I was packing it up and I must say (probably for about the millionth time) that it's just about the most perfect garment I've thus far made. Right up there with my Banff. I hope it is received well and worn. A lot.

I was exhausted last night so didn't get much knitting done except for a few rounds on the raglan. I need to bring my Ogee Tunic in to the knitting ladies for some help but class tomorrow is going to seriously cut into my knitting lunchtime. I'll have 30 minutes at least and hopefully someone there can shed some light on my ineptitude (is that a word?). I was in bed by nine, face all scrubbed and reading and I lasted until about 9:40. Seriously tired. I slept like a log. And now that I've taken the fan out of the window, Tink didn't wake up so early. The window is still open but not a foot and a half, so the noise is less.

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