16 March, 2007

The evening just flew by

Sometimes I swear I get into some kind of time warp or something. Yesterday evening just flew by! I got the ribbing finished and bound off [when oh when will I ever learn to just use needles a couple sizes larger to do the bind off!!] and then picked up the stitches for ribbing around the front and neck. Maybe that's where the time went because I swear, I must have picked up 200 stitches. Eight rows of ribbing and bind off and holy crap, it was 10 o'clock! All I have left to do is crochet around the arm holes (because I do not think ruffles are going to work for me on this) and tack down the ribbing in the front and weave in a million ends. I tried it on before I went to bed -- it's form fitting and, because of my bind off, very tough getting it over my chest. It goes on and hopefully I can stretch it a bit when I wash it for blocking. The color is just perfect.

If I can just make myself pick up the TDR turtleneck tonight and start on the sleeves. It's such chunky yarn that it'll go quickly. I truly would like to finish that before it gets too warm to wear because it's very pretty. We'll see where I am with my discipline tonight.

I heard from the doggie adoption lady last night. The dog I put in the application for has one already pending from a person who has adopted in the past so if the dogs get along then I'm out of the running. Oh well ...

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