31 October, 2012

And yet another incredible run!

This is such a strange phenomenon.  Yesterday I had another amazing run even faster than Monday!   And while it is possible that changing my breakfast fruit could be the cause, I am not completely convinced so I'm going to go back to the strawberries for tomorrow and see what happens.  The fact that I am breathing so much better than I have for months is certainly a contributing factor as well.  I actually don't care why this is happening.  I just want to keep it happening.  If I could run a race this weekend I would easily beat my personal best by a couple of minutes.  It's just crazy.  Oh -- and it was raining hard yesterday when I went out.  I know I have a window now so there is no reason for me to be surprised by that, but my window looks out onto a courtyard and it didn't look like it was raining out there.  It was though and I was soaked to the bone by the time I got back.  I should have worn a cap at least but I was just so happy I didn't care.  It's not cold but boy is it wet.  I changed into a hooded jacket after I got home to walk Tink because holding an umbrella while walking a dog is very inconvenient.  My pants were sopping when we got back.  And even Tink didn't mind turning around. 

Today I drove in -- for the last time (at least for a while) -- so I could stop and get something for our lunch party today.  I was hard pressed to find something healthy to bring but ended up getting grapes.  We're having pizza and beer and heaven knows there will be candy and goodies aplenty.  I saw boxes of croissants and I really wanted one but knew I would be sorely disappointed.  Only three weeks and I can have real ones.  Mmmmmmmm  

All I wanted to do last night after getting soaked twice in one day was a hot shower and to sit in my comfy chair and knit on my pretty blouse.  But my sister called and I ended up talking to her for her entire drive home while having a lovely martini -- which meant I was not in lace knitting mode by the time we hung up.  No matter - cozy in my chair with Tink, we watched a little TV and I read.  It was nice.

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