11 September, 2013

This should be the last of it ..

the heat, I mean.  It is going to be 90 degrees today!  That is the hottest it's been this entire summer.  I got my new-ish MacBook Air yesterday (P.S. I love it!) and I might just have to take it and find a cooler place to work this afternoon.  My office is going to be unbearable. 

I did get to get out and have a nice walk in the sunshine yesterday noon.  It was lovely - a little breeze and I strolled through the campus.  Classes don't officially start for another week, so it's still nice and quiet up there.  Then Tink got a great walk when I got home and then I went to pick up my prescription that I've been trying to get refilled for two weeks.  No -- more than that.  The Doctor's office got a new refill system.  It wasn't working.  What a hassle - especially when no car.  But oh well, the weather was nice and I got to have a nice, long chat with my sister.

I felt like a movie and heaven knows I've got plenty to choose from -- Netflix and Amazon Prime and now my Apple TV.  I really really should consider "cutting the cord".  If it weren't for the football and two hilarious programs that I can't get on Hulu Plus ....Definitely after football season though - I am going to drastically reduce that stupid Comcast bill.

Noon knitting today and it might just be two of us but I don't care.  I am looking forward to a nice, cool and calm noon hour. I might even be able to finish the Mobius Cowl!!

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