22 April, 2014


Yesterday got quite hectic in the later afternoon and when I checked the time I had to quickly pack up to get to the bus.  It wasn't until I had gotten home and walked Tink that I realized I had left my iPad at work!!  Ahhhh!  What a drag!  And when I got in today I saw how I had missed it -- I had it half covered up with papers.  Ah well, it won't happen again, or at least not soon.

Mondays are usually my favorite night of the week.  This is the night when I give myself permission to do absolutely nothing.  I did have to toss in a load of laundry so I could have clean running gear, but other than that I just knit and watched some stuff on Netflix and stayed up way too late reading.  I did get the Rainbowtastic fingerless mitts finished up.  I woke up a couple of times but the upstairs neighbor was relatively quiet.

Last Friday my lawyers filed a response to the petition my ex- filed to the State Supreme Court.  I haven't yet taken the time to read it.  I'll send it to my sister and have her give my a synopsis.  Hopefully this thing will be finally over soon.  Maybe I'll get good news when I'm traveling this summer!  That would be awesome.

It is pouring rain and I do so want to run today.  I think I'll go out anyway unless it is a deluge.  I have a hat and a water resistant coat.  I'll be fine.  I am anxious to see how my wind is doing this week.

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