12 August, 2014

Les orages

I have many many MANY wonderful memories of those six months I spent living in Paris from January through June, 2000.  One of my favorites is the thunderstorms.  I remember being in my little apartment watching the lightening flash and jumping at the huge rumbles of thunder.  The smell of the rain and the sound as it hit the cobblestones in the courtyard.   Every time I am in a thunderstorm now it takes me back there -- as if I ever need much of a push anyway.  Last night we had a huge thunderstorm.  It felt like it was going right overhead and the poor dog was very uncomfortable, panting and whining.  At least it was over quickly.  It was over 90 degrees yesterday and this morning it's hot as well.  I believe we're not done with the thunderstorms.

It was too hot to knit and besides, it was Do Nothing Monday, so I did exactly nothing.  Or nothing much anyway.  I used the left over lamb for a curry.  I drank some wine.  I didn't even read.  I am rather anxious to finish this wrap, so hopefully between tonight and tomorrow's Noon Knitting I can get it done.  Maybe I'll knit at lunch today if it's raining outside.  We'll see.

My sister's birthday gift arrived yesterday.  It's an adorable Betsey Johnson watch with a Seahawks green band.  A rose gold case and Mother-of-Pearl face with a pink sweep hand with a heart on the end.  Like it was made for me!  It's very cute and right up my alley.  It's sad to say goodbye to the birthday week.  But it's over. 

I am very sad about Robin Williams' death.  What a waste. 

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