01 June, 2015

June clouds

We had a super gorgeous Friday and the weekend was also very nice.  Not too hot, plenty of sun.  Today the clouds have moved in and we're predicted to get some sprinkles but later this week, it's going to be hot.  We're having quite the nice Spring.  I saw three rabbits this morning and yesterday noticed a round spot in one of the little flower gardens.  I believe something (a deer) is sleeping there.  I really wanted to get some more herbs and some flowers for some color spots around, hanging baskets, etc.  But we had seven stops to make on Saturday and a couple more on Sunday and the garden store wasn't one of them.  Ah well, I've got two weeks, including weekends, to get that kind of stuff.  It'll keep me plenty busy this coming weekend.

Gregg called Friday evening and we had quite a nice chat about reviving our duo.  The plan is that we'll get the songs we know back up to preference level and do a couple of open mike nights, and then add a few more songs so that we have an hour of material.  Then we'll look for a little gig or opening act gig.  It's something to do and I'm excited about it.  It will be so much fun.

I had wanted to make steamed mussels this Saturday and got myself all set for a nice seafood dinner, when there are no mussels to be had!  I guess there's some sort of red tide thing going on in Hood's Canal and/or Penn Cove.  Since we'd had such a late lunch anyway, we ended up with a nice arugula salad with tomatoes and a horseradish vinaigrette - I tried to recreate a dressing we had in Paris that I just loved - and some little beef things on the BBQ.  Just a little bite. 

After all of our running around yesterday I just wanted to knit.  I haven't touched that blanket since last week and I've got to get it done before this month is out!  It's going to be not so hot these next few evenings so I'll really get on it.  But I think I should search out a longer cord.  I changed last night from the 29 inch Addi to the 32 inch bamboo needles and I think it's going to be a real chore to get all of those stitches - over 500 when all of the increases are done - to fit onto that needle.  I've got Denise long cords.  Just exactly where .... not sure.  I think it's time to frog a few more languishing projects.

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